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ASP.NET Technology

Introduction to Web Technologies 

  1.  HTML 
  2.  Client side scripting languages 
  3.  IIS Architecture 
  4.  Server side programming with ASP 
  5.  ASP objects introduction 

ASP.NET Introduction 

  1.  What is ASP.NET 
  2.  ASP vs. ASP.NET 
  3.  Page and import directive 
  4.  In-page technique and code behind technique

Server Side Controls 

  1.  Client control vs. Server side controls 
  2.  Type of server controls-HTML server controls, Web server controls 
  3.  HTML server controls programming using in-page technique 
  4.  View state architecture 
  5.  ASP.NET page execution architecture-ASP.NET worker process, page life cycle events 
  6.  VS.NET vs. Web matrix 
  7.  Types of web server controls-Working with basic controls, Label, Text 
  8.  Box, Buttons etc., 
  9.  Working with rich controls - Calendar, Ad rotator. 
  10.  Validation controls.

State Management 

  1.  Page submission 
  2.  Cookies 
  3.  Session State 
  4.  Session Tracking Arch 
  5.  Application object 
  6.  Session and App events 
  7.  Global ASAX 

XML Programming 

  1.  Introduction to XML 
  2.  Creation of XML document 
  3.  XML parsers 
  4.  DOM vs. SAX parser 
  5.  Developing Client App for XML 
  6.  HTML Page- VB 6.0 App 
  7.  DTD 
  8.  XML Scheme 
  9.  Database support for web 


  1.  Introduction to manage data providers 
  2.  Data Reader programming 
  3.  Drawbacks of Recordset 
  4.  Dataset and Data Adapter 
  5.  Datagrid with sorting 
  6.  Datagrid with paging 
  7.  Customizing Datagrid 
  8.  Typed Dataset 
  9.  Inline editing with Datagrid
  10.  Dataset serialization and de-serialization 
  11.  Write XML and read XML methods 
  12.  Dataview 
  13.  Repeater Control 
  14.  Data list control


  1.  Importance of caching 
  2.  ASP 3.0 Support for caching 
  3.  Type of caching in ASP.NET 
  4.  Output caching Web user control vs. custom control 
  5.  Fragment caching 
  6.  Data caching vs. Application object 

ASP.NET Configuration 

  1.  Machine configuration vs. Web configuration 
  2.  Application variables 
  3.  Compilation setting 
  4.  Custom error setting 
  5.  Session state setting 
  6.  Enhancement in ASP.NET 
  7.  In-process vs. Out-process session state 
  8.  State server and SQL server
  9. Cookie less session 

ASP.NET Tracing 

  1.  Page level 
  2.  Application level 

Security in ASP.NET 

  1.  Authentication & Authorization 
  2.  Windows based authorization 
  3.  Form Based authorization 
  4.  Passport 
  5. XML Web Services 
  6.  ASP 3.0 with MTS 
  7.  DCOM vs. XML Web services 
  8.  Role of WSDL 
  9.  NET support for Web Service 
  10.  Client Apps for Web Service 
  11.  WSDL utility 
  12.  Session state with Web Service
  13.  Caching with Web Service 
  14.  Proxy with Asynchronous Methods 
  15.  Web service wire Formats 
  16.  HTTP Post 
  17.  HTTP Get 
  18.  SOAP Architecture 
  19.  SOAP Envelops 
  20.  Discovering web Service 
  21.  Disco vs. VSDisco 
  22.  UDDI Registry 
  23.  Securing web Service 
  24.  IP Address & Domain Restriction 
  25.  SSL (Secured Socket Layer) – SOAP Header


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