Uses of Mobile STK for Symbia

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 Uses of Mobile STK for Symbian

We see the main application of Mobile STK for Symbian in interactive applications. In fact, the motivation to port STK to Symbian comes from a related project where Symbianenabled camera-phones are used for interactive musical performance (Rohs, Essl, and Roth 2006). In the current form of this project the sound is generated externally on a computer which connects to the Symbian phone via Bluetooth. Further mobile interactive entertainment in form of games may soon become very popular. Interactive audio support
of high fidelity, but low memory and computational requirements may proof to be very helpful in this case. Perry Cook (Cook 2002) and others have long stressed the usefulness of parametric synthesis models for interactive applications like games and this argument certainly holds for mobile applications. In fact the argument may be stronger, as memory and computational power are more limited compaed to desktop
computers or special-purpose audio hardware.


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