4 jQuery Alternative JavaScript Libraries

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jQuery is not the only JavaScript library in town. There are many, many others. Some are designed to perform specific tasks, and others are all-purpose libraries aimed at solving every JavaScript task under the sun. Here are a few of the most popular:

Yahoo User Interface

Yahoo User Interface Library is a project of Yahoo, and indeed the company uses it throughout its site. Yahoo programmers are constantly adding to and improving the library, and they provide very good documentation on the YUI site.

Dojo Toolkit 

Dojo Toolkit is another library that has been around a long time. It’s a very powerful and very large collection of JavaScript files that tackle nearly every JavaScript task around.


Mootools is another popular library geared toward slick animation and visual effects. It has good documentation and a great-looking website.


Prototype was one of the first JavaScript libraries available. It’s often used in combination with a visual effects library named scriptaculous (http://script.aculo.us/), which adds animation and other user interface goodies.


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