Upload Files using PHP - File Upload Script

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First, we need to create the HTML. HTML forms that include file upload fields must include an ENCTYPE argument:

File Upload Script

<title>Listing 9.15 A file upload script</title>
$file_dir = "/home/matt/htdocs/uploads";
$file_url =
if ( isset( $fupload ) )
print "path: $fupload<br>\n";
print "name: $fupload_name<br>\n";
print "size: $fupload_size bytes<br>\n";
print "type: $fupload_type<p>\n\n";
if ( $fupload_type == "image/gif" )
copy ( $fupload, "$file_dir/$fupload_name") or die ("Couldn't copy");
print "<img src=\"$file_url/$fupload_name\"><p>\n\n";
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php print $PHP_SELF?>"
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="51200">
<input type="file" name="fupload"><br>x<input type="submit" value="Send file!">

File Upload Global Variables

  • $fupload - Path to temporary variable
  • $fuploadname - Name of uploaded file
  • $fuploadsize - Size (in bytes) of uploaded file
  • $fupload type - MIME type of
  • uploaded file (where given by client)


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