How to Add Ajax Control Toolkit in Asp.Net Website Project

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In this tutorial, we study how to add ajax control toolkit in Asp.Net Website Project.

For adding Ajax toolkit first you have install NuGet Package Manager from the below website-

After installing NuGet Package Manager you can able to download packages from NuGet Website.
Open Visual Studio 2010 or letter version and Create Blank Asp.Net Website.

Right click solution of your project and click the Manage NuGet Packages. You can see below screen. Search for AjaxControlToolkit and click install button.

Manage NuGet Packages

This step will install all require dll and files to use ajax control in your asp.Net website.

install all require dll and files to use ajax control in your asp.Net website

After installing Ajax Control Toolkit, you can see AjaxControlToolkit.dll will be added to your projects bin directory.

You can also see your web.config file following code will be added.
        <add tagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" />

Now, you can able to use ajax control in your website.

For adding ajax toolkit control just type "<ajaxToolkit:" (Note: Use tagPrefix name shown in your project web.config as you can see above code) , visual studio code intelligence will show you all ajax control as shown below.

visual studio code intelligence



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