how to add Tab bar in iphone application?

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This is the demo for tab bar controller in iphone application  using story boarding. I am explaining you how to create tab bar controller in iphone. just follow me..
Step 1:
         here just create application with selecting using story Boarding option checked.
Step 2:
          Now select your controller's xib file. select view controller and go to menu->Editor->embed in->navigation controller.

Step 3:
          Now select navigation controller and  menu->Editor->embed in->TABBAR controller.

 Step 4:
           Now add label in view controller. Now take another view controller and dragged it from objects. now same as above embeed it with navigation controller. After it Select tabbar controller and press 'ctrl' and connect it to second navigation controller .than pop up will be generated in it select relation ship segues part view controlles. Now in both navigation controller change their item name like item1 and item2.

Step 5:
          Now run your app than it will show you first selected tab bar item one and it will show you first view.

Step 6:
          Now pressed item 2 so it will show you tab view 2 with label.

Now you should be clear  with this complete tutorial for adding tab bar in iphone application. Stille if you have any doubts than please leave comment or mail me on

Devang Patel
(Iphone Developer by


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