How to Sum of Column in Crystal Report in C# Windows Applications

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In this demo, we have to learn how to use sum function in Crystal report in C# Windows Applications.

In this demo, we continue previous article (Crystal Report in C# Windows Application) .

Right Click on Formula Fields - > Select New -> this will Open Popup Window (Formula Name).

In Formula Name Popup, add Name of field as shown below (any name you want to shown in Field Explorer) and click Use Editor button.

After Clicking Use Editor button, this will open Formula Editor. In this editor you can make formula field. Now add Formula of Sum of Product as shown below screen. then click Save and close button.

Now, you can able to see Formula Name under Formula Field just you have created. Now, you can use this formula field by drag and drop to the Report Footer Section as shown below.

Now, run the project and you can see output as shown below.


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