How to Use setTimeout() and setInterval() Function in JavaScript

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setTimeout() and setInterval() allow you to register a function to be invoked once or repeatedly after a specified amount of time has elapsed.

The setTimeout() method of the Window object schedules a function to run after a specified number of milliseconds elapses. setTimeout() returns a value that can be passed to clearTimeout() to cancel the execution of the scheduled function.

setInterval(updateClock, 60000); // Call updateClock() every 60 seconds

Like setTimeout(), setInterval() returns a value that can be passed to clearInterval() to cancel any future invocations of the scheduled function

function invoke(f, start, interval, end) {
     if (!start) start = 0; // Default to 0 ms
     if (arguments.length <= 2) // Single-invocation case
         setTimeout(f, start); // Single invocation after start ms.
     else {                          // Multiple invocation case
         setTimeout(repeat, start); // Repetitions begin in start ms
             function repeat() { // Invoked by the timeout above
                var h = setInterval(f, interval); // Invoke f every interval ms.
                    // And stop invoking after end ms, if end is defined
                    if (end) setTimeout(function() { clearInterval(h); }, end);


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