List of Events Supported by jQuery Mobile UI.

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Here are the list of events that supported by jQuery mobile UI.

#1. pagebeforecreate Event

The pagebeforecreate event is used when you have content that you want modified before jQuery Mobile has had a chance to lock in and write the data-roles and attributes of page elements to the DOM.

#2. pagecreate Event

The pagecreate event can be used either to apply your own widgets or to use the built-in wid-get or plug-in controls that jQuery Mobile provides.

#3. pageinit Event

The pageinit event is best described and used as you would use the $(document).ready()function of jQuery. This event is triggered after the DOM has been loaded and all widgets and plug-ins have been run. This event also is triggered whenever a page is loaded either directly or through the AJAX call of another page. This event is triggered only once when included in the DOM.

#4. tap and taphold Events

The tap event is use to trigger custom func-tions on different elements on your page.

The taphold event waits for almost an entire second before it is triggered.

#5. the swipe, swipeleft, and swiperight Events

A swipe is similar to a click-and-drag action on a computer. For any of the swipe events to trigger, the touch must travel more than 30px horizontally and take less than 1 second to complete. It also may not move more than 20px vertically or the event trigger will be cancelled.

#6. vmousedown, vmousemove, and vmouseover Events

The virtual mouse events are an answer to compatibility problems between mobile and desktop browsers.

For example, some mobile browsers support an event called touchstart, while other mobile browsers do not. Desktop browsers support the mousemove event and have support for hover through the use of the mouseover event while mobile devices have a hard time emu-lating or using the correct event. These problems are solved in jQuery Mobile by using virtual mouse events.

#7. orientationchange Event

To trigger a custom function whenever a screen change is detected.


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