Complete Demo of All charts in Android

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Here I am going to demonstrate the all the chart that I had learnt in android.
Here I have defined the Pie chart of the different series.
Now one most important feature of many charts are dynamic
It will you the charts according to entered value from Edit text.
You can also add series dynamically by clicking on New Series Button.
You are able to move charts up and down as well as left and right in view.
Click on any point of any charts it will show you the data of that point.
Here I have specify simple user interface for use like you are able to zoom in or out as per your requirement.
Enjoy Charts…..

This is the list of all charts.


This snap demonstrates the pie chart which is made as per users input values.

This chart demonstrates how to show the temperature data in line.

 This chart is for sales that were made in last 2 year. Here I demonstrates the bar chart of particular data.

This chart demonstrates the output generated by the trigonometric functions like sine wave and cos wave. Here I am using simple line to demonstrates the value.

This chart shows you how to implement the horizontal chart in adroid.

This is a scatter chart here I had made 4 series and shows their data on chart.
This chart is different from other chart in look and its working.

This is combined chart in this chart I had combined line chart as well as area chart.
Area chart is covers area according to their value input values.
This area chart here is shows you the difference between sales that were made in last 2 years.

This chart shows the users their project work on daily base.
Here I am using Line to demonstrates this thing.


This chart is of sales that were made during one year
Here I am introducing the chart like ECG.

This snap demonstrates the pie chart of many different projects.

This chart is known as a Doughnut chart. 


This is the Bubble chart. The size of the bubble depends on the input value.

 This chart is about Temperature range.
The place of the bar is depends upon the input values.

This is called dial chart for your weight indication.

 This is the Sensor Temperature reading chart.
You can made line chart like this by using the PointStyle class.

This is the combined chart of bar chart, line chart and bubble chart.
The average temperature in 2 Greek islands, water temperature and sun shine hours (combined chart).

Average Temperature chart using line chart.

This is the line chart with the randomly generated values.

 This is scattered chart with randomly generated chart.

This is time chart with randomly generated value.

 This is bar chart with randomly generated value.

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1 comment:

  1. where is the download link for this. The above link is of the 3D transform project.
