Manipulate the DOM using jQuery

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jQuery offers a simple and powerful mechanism to manipulate the DOM, or alter properties of the DOM itself or any element.

For example, to alter CSS properties of an element:
$("#helloButton").css("color", "red");
// will turn the color of the button's text to red

In addition to simple manipulations like these, jQuery allows you to create, replace, and remove any markup from a group of elements or the document root with ease.

The following example demonstrates adding a group of elements to an existing <div>:
<div id="myDiv">

</div><script type="text/javascript">
    $("#myDiv").append("<p>I was inserted <i>dynamically</i></p>");
<p>I was inserted <i>dynamically</i></p>
</div><script type="text/javascript">
$("#myDiv").remove("p"); // will remove the <p> and its children

This results in:
<div id="myDiv">
  <p>I was inserted <i>dynamically</i></p>

It is just as easy to remove any element (or a set of elements):
<div id="myDiv">

This code results in:
<div id="myDiv">

jQuery provides several methods to control the placement of markup :
Inserts at the beginning of the matched element

Inserts before the matched element

.after() Inserts after the matched element

Replaces all the HTML inside the matched element


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