Advantages of Stored Procedures in SQL

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There are several advantages to using stored procedures; here are a few of them:

  1. They allow business rules and policies to be encapsulated and changed in one place.
  2. They allow sharing of application logic by different applications.
  3. They can facilitate data modification, ensuring that all applications update data consistently.
  4. They can simplify parameterized queries, easily facilitating running the same query repetitively with different sets of parameters.
  5. Autostart procedures can automate startup routines, executing each time the server is cycled.
  6. They can modularize an application, organizing it into manageable pieces.
  7. They can provide security mechanisms, allowing users controlled access to database objects they could not otherwise use.
  8. They can reduce network bandwidth use by greatly lessening the amount of Transact-SQL code that must traverse the network in order to accomplish tasks.
  9. Since their execution plans are retained by the server for reuse, they can improve application performance considerably.


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